PHIL Award Winner
October 2014
Ann has worked as a respiratory therapist for 30 years and has worked primarily in Adult
Critical Care for the last 20 years. She is a valued mentor, educator and resource for her
peers and other staff members. Most importantly, Ann is always a patient advocate.
Recently Ann played a vital role in helping to liberate a lung transplant recipient from the
vent. She spent countless hours encouraging and supporting this patient and the family
through the process. It is because of her dedication, compassion and commitment to her
patients that they are enjoying the gift of 'breathing easy'.
When Ann is not providing exemplary patient care, she enjoys cooking, walking and
spending time with family and friends.
Ann's response to earning The PHIL Award..."I am humbled, proud and inspired to do
Congratulations from The FACES Foundation and your Spectrum Health family!
Ann Bowman, RRT
Spectrum Health, Grand Rapids, MI
Ann Bowman, RRT
Ann Bowman, pictured with (on the L) Sharman
Lamka and (on the R) Dr. Greg Naegos,
MD-Spectrum Medical Group Pulmonologist &
FACES Board Member
Ann Bowman pictured with Dr. Stephen Fitch,
MD-Spectrum Medical Group Critical Care
Ann Bowman, pictured with her very supportive
administrators! On the left is Angie Dittmar, Sr.
Director of Oncology & Director of Pulmonary
Diagnostics and Respiratory Services. On the
right is Patrice Villemure, VP at Frederik Meijer
Heart & Vascular Institute.